How to create an Information Page

Web Content > Information Pages

To create an Information Page,
  1. Go to Web Content > Information Pages
  2. Click New

The following page will be displayed.


Descriptions :

    1. Make sure you are on General tab
    2. Information Title
      • Enter the name for this Information Page
    3. Description
      • Enter the write-up content for this Information Page
    4. Meta Tag Description
      • Input a brief summary of the page content
    5. Meta Tag Keywords
      • Input the relevant and potential keywords used to search for this Information Page
    6. Custom title
      • GIve the page a custom title (optional)
    7. SEO
      • Input phrase or keywords related to your Information Page 

Next click the Data tab



  1. Make sure you are on Data tab
  2. Bottom
    • Click to placed the Information Page at the bottom page
  3. Status
    • Choose enable to display the information page
  4. Sort Order
    • Determine the display sequece in ascending order
  5. Click Save


Sample Screenshots of Information Page in the store


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